- New intro for Drivin Me Crazy has been distributed and learning has begun. You can see it here.
- New choreography for Drivin Me Crazy has started.
- We sing the national anthem at the bowling stadium on Saturday, March 5. Call time is 5:00. See the Bowling post for more information.
- The chorus competition on April 2 runs from 10:30 to 4:00. The order of appearance has not been released. The quartet competition runs from 6:00 to 8:30 with an afterglow from 9:00 to midnight. There should be several Reno quartets competing. Early bird pricing through March 3. If you need help registering online, see one of the chorus leaders. See the Castro Valley post for registration information and links.
- On Wednesday, March 16th, we will be coached by Ron Black. Rehearsal will start early at 6:30 in order to maximize our time with Ron.
- Each man in the chorus should have a job. If you don’t have one speak to one of the leaders.
- The chorus is still looking for a show team leader. A team has been assembled, but it needs a leader to lead and delegate. See one of your leaders it you’d like to step up.
- We are conducting a practice run on contest qualifications. They will not be binding for April, but we will use them to ensure our best sound for the fall contest. You will have plenty of opportunities to work with the music leadership to help you learn your music.
- Your board is putting events on the calendar so you can plan ahead. See some of the new dates here.
- Three membership recruitment posters are available for download and printing in the chorus documents and links section.
- Reserve Thursday March 31 for a possible extra rehearsal before contest.
- A list of current chorus leaders is in the chorus document and links section on the members site.
- The chorus is focusing its marketing efforts online. The age group of singers we want to attract conducts most of their social lives on line.
- We are listed in Craigslist Reno
- We have joined GigMasters.
- We have listed our monthly auditions on the KUNR arts calendar.
- We have listed our weekly rehearsals on the Reno News and Review calendar.
- We have a group listing on Meetups.
- We will be circulating an article about Reno A Cappella opportunities to all local print media for their use.
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