Monthly Archives: January 2017

Midwinter Awesome Videos

Our society just finished its Midwinter Convention. As always, there was a tremendous amount of energy and talent, especially with the Youth Chorus Festival. Please take some time to experience the energy and momentum of our society by watching some of the performances from San Antonio. The energy from these events can do a lot to help us in our little corner here in Reno. Below are links to some videos.

Deke Sharon keynote address – Deke asks great questions about what we do and where we could go. Challenges our thoughts.

Combined Youth Chorus – Singing Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah – there are hundred more singing in the aisles

Forefront and Signature – Team up for a legendary performance – This isn’t your Dad’s barbershop.


SDC Supports FWD Youth Chorus

We should all be proud that our chorus is a sponsor of the Far Western District Youth Chorus festival taking place this week in San Antonio. Our chorus and several other choruses and quartets in our district raised $10,000 to support this great event. We are fortunate that the events we take part in during the year… Continue Reading