Your new Board of Directors has already held two meetings in January to discuss the busy year ahead. Some of the current hot topics are:
- The successful launch of the new chorus communication platform
- Approving budgets for each department head. We are fiscally strong and we need to make sure we stay that way through careful budget planning and careful spending.
- A year planning session for the board to take place on Saturday February 6 to map out the calendar and make sure members know the important dates.
- The new use of teleconferences to hold interim board meetings.
- The use of online document review to collaborate on ideas before board meetings.
- Marketing suggestions from Dave Ramer.
- New songs.
- More quarteting.
- International Mid Winter.
- Urgent need to form show committee.
It’s likely you have some thoughts or ideas on these. Please see your Board Members at Large to make suggestions or comments. Be ready to back them up with creative ideas and actions.
- Nicolas Hamon
- Bill Stephens
- Ryan Huff
Wonderful job of leadership!!!! Love the start. It will be fun to watch the chorus grow in all aspects. Just like a growing business.
Thanks for your time, thought and hard work.
Don Riemenschnitter
Thanks Don. Jeff.
Please tell me where I can find a list of the current Board members, or if it’s not posted yet, please provide one here. Thanks & best,
John Hill
John, I just sent you an email with a link ( to the society ebiz site where all the chapter rosters are. You will find our chapter leaders on the Chapter Leaders tab. Hope that helps, Jeff.