Greetings Silver Dollars!
We are rolling out a new communications mechanism, where posts on our Website will automatically send an email to everyone on the Google Groups list. You will be able to see a part of the message in the email, and by clicking on the links in the email, you’ll also have options to:
- Read the full post online
- Visit the Members Only Home Page, where all posts are available at any time
The board has chosen this method for communicating because it allows members to visit one place, and easily browse to find communications all in one place.
Mid-Year Report
As Treasurer, I go over the financials and chorus budget with the board once a quarter. I like to be transparent with all members about our finances, and so communicate at mid-year and year-end with the full membership.
Bottom Line
At the mid-point, we are exactly where we should be as a non-profit. Budget projections call for a small profit (about $340) by the end of the year. We expect to take in about $34,300 in revenue, and to spend about $34,000 of that. These are not trivial numbers; I know that when I first saw the finances, it was a bigger deal than I expected.
Income Sources
Really, all of our income comes from efforts of the members. Without all of you, we would be nowhere. Here are the budget numbers for the year (not all of them realized yet) for the larger numbers:
- $13,300: Ticket Sales – Reno Sings Under the Stars
- $4069: Chorus share from Mid-Winter
- $4000: Grant from Robert Z Hawkins Foundation (Thanks John Hill!)
- $3200: Ad revenue from Reno Sings program
- $2500: Donations from members & High Sierra Harmony Brigade
- $2250: Performance fees
- $2000: Donations at Christmas Benefit
- $1000: Member Dues
We also should be able to add another $1000 or so to our Social Fund from the two Aces games. As you can see, we lean heavily on the Annual Show for revenue. When John asks for help with ticket and ad sales, it’s really important to get everyone pulling the wagon.
Chorus Expenses
We are a non-profit, and that means that we are not in existence to stockpile money. I deliberately try to budget for a net zero for the year. Places where we expect the money to go:
- $16,000: All expenses related to the Reno Sings show (we are budgeting for a profit of about $5000)
- $7000: Charitable contributions (Local high schools, harmony explosion camp, Kiwanis)
- $2700: Music and Performance-related expenses, including music purchases. uniforms expenses, director reimbursements, and coaching sessions
- $2400: Membership recruitment, recognition, general expenses (badges, etc)
- $1650: recurring annual expenses, including liability insurance and state licensing
- $1440: Mid-Winter-related expenses
- $1350: Social activities
This is, of course, a very high-level summary, but it should give an idea of our obligations and priorities. If you have any questions, please use the comments area under this posting to weigh in. And please bookmarks the Members page, and consider it a resource for you to use as a member of the Silver Dollar Chorus.
Nice to see the numbers, thanks.